Pen Sieve

A deeper, pensive look into the Word of God, a witty and humorous look at our Spiritual selfs, understanding the why's of life, growing ever closer to Jesus plus living full and joyous lives!!


How often do you get into a sticky situation or a financially negative season or go through a spouse-less useless lonely night or some such other thing and you catch yourself either silently screaming or shouting at God 'DUDE!! This is NOT what I asked for!! I DON'T want to be here and can U get me outta this?' 

Hmmmm.... sound familiar??
1. duh. No one asks to be broke, hungry and with no roof over their head and no chapa to buy tweeds. So why you asking Him an obvious Q? lol.
The way I figure is ( and please tell me if you think am wrong) that instead of asking Him all those impossible questions and mumbling and grumbling and stressing and shouting. sit down, or stand or lie down, what-ever! ...  but calm down either way, then ask Him. sawa, I'm here. NOW. What can I do for U? So often we're focused on me. me. me. me. me. me. me. and. my. misery.  that we don't notice that in all probability you've a job to do and you're the most qualified person to deal with it. You're in the pit (latrine) to pull out someone who fell down that (shit-hole)  and you're the only one who is slim enough to fit down that hole. Or God has sent you into the dark room to put in a light bulb because you're the only one tall enough to reach up there - (they're all midgets??)... or maybe they don't even HAVE a light bulb. So you walk in with your bulb and ladder and start gripping to the Lord - why oh why oh why did you send me into this dark place?? I am talking real life here, in today's world. I am not the only one suffering, but do I really have to walk around looking like D.E.A.T.H? Where then is the Joy in my Life and why can't people see Christ overflowing from me?? 
Don't complain. Look around and you'll be amazed at what you and only you are qualified to do. WHEN and only when the job is done will you (maybe) be relieved of your current suffering OR re-posted to another place where again, only you can help in that situ. 
I love the oooolllllllld song 'ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO WAR!!!' because it is so true of our lives today. We're in a total total all out guerilla WARFARE with sniper bullets maiming innocent kids, bombs smashing your neighbours house to pieces, water and elec being destroyed and shops having nothing to sell (or not being there at all) and everyone, including you and your famo is going to suffer!!
oops! or did you think that we're in Peace times?