(Am I right?? Add your own definition..)
If you have a habit of mouthing off or ‘using your airtime’ by discussing how your problems are caused by Shaitani (Satan or the Devil) then many of the battles that you fight are already doomed. I can tell you that right off, you don’t have to pay a ‘fortune-teller’ to give you that important piece of info. And it’s all based on a singular powerful principle – how are you using your AIRTIME? Question to you: As a believer, what or whom do you blame when something goes wrong in your life, when you get 3 flat tyres in a single day, when your ATM card is swallowed and you have exactly 20shs in your wallet and no credit in your phone, when you slam your little finger against the door jam, when you trip over your shoe lace down a flight of stairs in the serene surroundings of your local church? Who do you blame? The d’evil?? Or maybe it’s a more of a spiritual matter, or a soul issue. Who do you blame when your loved one breaks your trust, or when your wife decides it’s NBM week (nil by mouth), when you pray about that job and nothing seems to happen, when your son’s school report card has more e’s than the word Mississippi has ‘i’s - who do you blame, when your daughter tells you she’s pregnant at 15? That old d’evil??
The principal here is this: Don't credit your downfalls to the d’evil. That's just giving him airtime. You’re using your air, your breath to hold a talk-show about the d’evil. Jesus won the battle for you 2000 years ago and that is a fact. Focus instead in the possibility that with God nothing is impossible - and focus on your abilities based on that premise. Listen, I have told my friends on numerous occasions to simply send me or buy me airtime for my phone instead of crediting the d’evil for the negatives in their lives. It’s easy to do, open your mouth and sing nah-nah-nah - blame the d’evil for all of the mishaps in your life. BUT, when we mis-use your airtime (1) We forget who we are, we forget who God is, we don’t FEAR God. (2) We speak life into a different spiritual realm and sow negative seeds into it, and (3) We are insensitive to God Moments.
Let’s take a little trip back to Genesis. God made man. And woman. In both He gave them His Spirit – whoooosh! I wish James Cameron was there to make that movie because he would not have needed special effects… Here’s God, He hovers over this ugly wet muddy-thingy - then as we watch - a beautiful part of His iridescent Spirit floats away from Him as He breathes L I F E ))))))))))) into the mud - <cut frame to> - the mud form morphs and changes into this striking specimen of the perfect man…
…. (sigh – why wasn’t I the first Eve?? Acha tu! I wouldn’t have let go of that good looking jamaa even for a single second!! LOL!!)
Ok… back to your airtime….
Now, as believers we have this same God’s AIR, or another term would be God’s breath or spirit within us. When we describe ourselves, do we not speak of our ‘body, soul and spirit’? Well – that ‘spirit’ that we have is from God and again, the same Spirit that God gave to Adam and Eve. Have I lost you or have you zoned out?? Ha,ha, stay with me…
Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7 (New International Version, ©2011)
In order to live we must have a Spirit and believers have the Spirit of God. That’s what your colleagues, your friends, your neighbors, your bbf’s – that is what they perceive when they remark about you, ‘I admire your spirit, your strength, your drive, your guts’…. When we have no spirit, we lack the energy to do the simplest things, doctors speak of a depressed spirit, our friends try to raise our spirits, we read books and attend Motivational Seminars to motivate and energize our souls and spirits….
So, you have God’s Spirit somewhere inside you…. digging a bit deeper, what type of spirit do we have, what do people perceive – what do they sense when they look at us??
Isaiah 11:2
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD.
Go back and place your name right there where it says ‘him’. My name is Nyakio, and I speak and say that the spirit of the Lord will rest on Nyakio – the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD’. What a blessing. Now YOU, yes YOU - put your own name there and gain the understanding of who you really are as a Christian because if you’re blaming the d’evil for problems in your life, you’ve forgotten WHO YOU ARE. Further on in the Bible, we are told that the Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship (or daughtership). And by him we cry, “Abba, Father. Romans 8:15 . What more proof do you need? We – you and I, have that same spirit given to Adam and Eve which is why we can call God Baba.
So, if the breath that we have within us is from God, that means our breath is holy. Or sacred. That our AIRTIME is not from AIRTEL, or SAFARICOM, or TIGO, or ZANTEL or VODACOM – our airtime is from GOD. Secondly, because our AIRTIME is from GOD, the words we speak have the same power as GOD’S. i.e, God made what’s on this blue marble called Earth from….. WORDS. Did He not speak and say…. ‘Let there be --------------------- ‘ and there was? Likewise, did you know that the second area where we make mistake of blaming the d’evil for our issues and problems is by speaking )))))))) life )))))) into the negative spiritual realm and thus sowing negativity? Pause. Remember our trip to the book of Genesis?? Let’s rewind back to Chapter3….
12 The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” 13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?”
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”
Classic!! She blames the devil!! Ha ha ha!! Seriously, have you noticed that on average it’s women who shoot out the words ‘blame it on the devil!’ faster than men?? (I am not being a hater !!!!) – regardless, there we go again, blaming the Devil for all the problems in our life. Giving Him credit, giving Him airspace and airtime. One of the deep things that we do not realize is that our words hold power and life, plus power over life. If you want to kill someone’s spirit, what do you do? SNAP your fingers and just speak negativity into their lives,!! Simple! that should do the trick! Especially your kids… call them ‘stupid, brainless, dumb, good-for-nothing…. call your children drunkards, call your daughters whores and call your sons pimps…then sit back and watch them trying to overcome that curse, years later in their adulthood they will still be trying to crawl out from under the heavy intense burden of your words. By the way, why do you think ¾’s of the younger generation is busy drinking and whoring and pimping their lives away?? Because that’s exactly what they were called by their angry, irate parents – what they were cursed with….. hmmm… what if you do the opposite and instead motivate and encourage your children, speak positively in their lives?? They bloom. Why do we go for all those motivational talks, is it not just that? - the speakers have learnt that words are life-giving, words are energy-giving and when directed to YOU they bestow a powerful positive growth impact.
Huh, I hear you mutter! Impossible! But listen! (or rather - read..) Get this principal – even if your life is negative right now, choose NOT to speak about that negativity – instead, speak it as you want it to be. If your children are out of control, speak and say ‘my children are controlled, they do not drink, smoke or whore their bodies’. Instead of saying ‘my son is a failure’, say ‘my son will pass his exams and excel in math’. Copy GOD. Out of nothing He created this world. When you were a child, you said, ‘when I grow up I will live in a big house’. Did it exist then? NOOO!!! It didn’t!! You spoke it, and it came to be…
Oh, where is your faith today over your life people?? I weep!!
In the same breath, think before you speak about situations that concern you. If you impact a negative conclusion to your ‘status update’ then it will be negative. If you say that you’re going to have a bad day today, you will – basically you and you alone have the power to control your day with the words that you speak. If you curse yourself, guess what?? You’re cursed. If you say, ‘the fundi won’t come and fix this’, guess what – HE WON’T!!! If you curse your family – guess what – don’t blame the d’evil when you go through hell with them. You who has God’s spirit of power within you, why open your mouth today and give the d’evil a single benefit in the planning of your life? The word blame means to be held responsible, so in essence blaming the d’evil is placing in his shopping cart the HONOR of him having a hold, a grasp, a grip, over your life. Do you really need that?? Because when you shift the responsibility of your life over to the d’evil – you shift it away from the realm of God which results in a number of reactions, one of which is your banishment from God’s Eden. You invite that old d’evil IN and the Spirit of God leaves because two opposing chemicals or spirits cannot mix. Do the math… or is it the chemistry?? Got that?? (Adam and Eve had to leave Eden….)
Plus, when we blame the d’evil we consign into the d’evil’s realm the words of ‘he has control over my life’, ‘it’s the devil who did that’ ‘the devil made me do it’ – we’re in effect giving power over to that realm. Sowing. A negative seed. We have sambazaad shaitani and let me tell you, he’s so quick, he’s faster than Flash Gordon, he grabs that tiny credit and multiplies it and multiplies it and multiplies it and before you know it you get a string of nasty episodes in your life, pap pap pap one after another….
(now you know why!)
Here’s another bomb. “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.” - 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 . It simply means that when we throw God out of our lives, we die a spiritual death or as Paul so politely puts it – we fall asleep. And that’s exactly what happens to us, we fall asleep to the power that could be within us, we feel depressed, weak, miserable, rundown, dejected, powerless. We flip for the lie because we’ve tossed life to the d’evil. That’s just wrong. And to make matters worse, we are so busy mouthing off at that d’evil that we’re distracted and we don’t listen to God. You can’t listen when you’re on a talkshow !
God often uses mishaps to try to get our attention -lakini, when we opt for the talkshow, when we’re busy talking and mouthing off, when we’re busy wasting airtime on the d’evil - we’ve lost the chance to have a one-on-one with our Lord. Sad. I have learnt to ask God, ok dude, if this wasn’t what you planned for me and you have so obviously made everything around me crash, then what exactly is it you want? That right there is my God Moment. What if it was God Himself who, knowing you and your fast-paced life, knew that nothing short of a disaster would stop you and make you seek Him? But instead of asking God, “haya basi, sema…mambo vipi?” you shift your focus and give the responsibility of your life to - the d’evil! Hmm…
What is your God Moment? Is it in the early quiet of a beautiful sunrise? Or in the middle of a worship song during a church service? Or is it when you look at your newborn baby son? I have personally had very very many God moments when something I planned goes very very VERY wrong and because of that I have learnt one thing – I have to shut up and be quiet and listen. God gets so frustrated with me that He often creates minor disasters in my life so that I, Nyakio can SHUT UP AND LISTEN!! A little bit like the judge shouting SILENCE IN THE COURT.
Tuko pamoja?
Are you too busy for God?
Take a few minutes to think back to any areas in your life where you’ve had mishap after mishap after mishap….
Now I veer off the road and stop the second I realize that God wants a moment with me…if not I may end up spiritually lying on a (hospital) bed talking to the ceiling while God’s angels administer to my soul. Yes, because God knows that if I do not stop and receive some major intense loving and healing and DIRECTION from Him, I will end up with a spiritual hernia and make some drastic mistakes in my life, so He causes a mishap so I can stop and say to him - Hello God.
Know this, through Christ you have been given a spirit of impossible power, with God ALL things are possible, when you walk, do so with a swag because you’re a child of the Living God. If you think suicide –bombers are awful, rethink your strategy, with God’s spirit in you you have enough power to detonate each and every demon that hangs around you into oblivion, if you think the magician who waves a magic wand and utters the words ‘sim-sala-bin’ is awesome, your words are so powerful as to either DESTROY or BUILD UP lives of MEN! So, uta-do?
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Get in to your Bible, into the WORD of God – and read all the promises that you’ve been given by this powerful God – this powerful God who also dares to share with you a wonderful awesome component of His mighty Power through His Son Jesus Christ, and learn to look out for those daily God Moments when He reaches out to have a chat with YOU, so that instead of mouthing off like a Queen Diva at the d’evil, you learn to be quiet and listen instead to the Spirit of the Living God.