Pen Sieve

A deeper, pensive look into the Word of God, a witty and humorous look at our Spiritual selfs, understanding the why's of life, growing ever closer to Jesus plus living full and joyous lives!!

To Sammy Kabui - Ushujaa

Hey  Sammy
my Ushujaa Editor,
When I didn’t believe in myself
you did.
When others didn’t believe in me
you did.
You crossed out my words
and changed my sentences.
and totally pissed me off..
You called me every week
Niggling J
Mrembo??!!! Where is my article?
you pushed, you shoved, you bullied
you made me cry.
You refused my excuses…
when my first laptop died
you said God would give me another.
when my second laptop crashed
and I multiplied my excuses
you asked me where my faith was.
I am on my 3rd laptop, truly,
God does provide!
When I had personal blues
you bought me coffee
and coffee and coffee
and coffee and coffee
and listened
and spoke the Word of God
into my Life.
Not once
Not twice
Not thrice
innumerable times.
Now the Eagle has grown
and flies off
to be on it’s own.
Thank you Sammy!
If you hadn’t pushed me off the edge
I’d still be in the nest.
God Bless.